Member Benefits
Educators and researchers of Management in Australia and New Zealand choose to be members because of the value that ANZAM provides for them. (Not all of these benefits may apply to you.)
- Professional members have the right to use the nomenclature “ANZAMM” (Member of the Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management).
- Fellows have the right to use the nomenclature “ANZAMF” (Fellow of the Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management).
Professional Development
Each year ANZAM provides a series of workshops/events/lunch sessions for its members on areas of interest. These professional development sessions are FREE to ANZAM members.
Teaching and Learning Development
We support a range of teaching and learning awards and grants promoted by our Education Committee which include:
- PELT (Promoting Excellence in Learning and Teaching) Grants for projects that ‘aid the development of the teaching of Management in Australia and New Zealand’. You can receive funding of up to $4,000 for projects that will be supportive of Management Education at your own and other universities.
- An annual Case Writing Competition to encourage the development of excellent teaching materials within a regional context.
- Teaching and Learning prizes, including the Innovative Management Educator of the Year.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
ANZAM sponsors the formation of SIGs which may have significant benefit to you and are funded in the start-up phase. All SIGs have activities across Australia which includes the Operations SIG annual Symposium in June. The current SIGs are:
- Emotions and Cognition (last year 2023)
- Health Management and Organisation
- Indigenous Issues
- Mixed Methods Research
- Operations, Supply Chain & Services Management
- Wellbeing at Work
Journal of Management & Organization
We believe that a journal that presents research from the context of issues in our region is an important part of our Academy. In the long-term we want this journal to be self-sustaining. In the immediate future we do need to fund it. You may find it an excellent outlet for your research.
ANZAM Conference
Considerable effort goes into the annual Conference, both from committed local organising committees and the ANZAM Board. ANZAM is working to maintain this as a major regional management research and education conference. Our shift to “Interactive Papers” is to support research publications which are under development.
Early Career Academics (ECAs)
If you are an ECA or have colleagues who are ECAs you may be aware of the activities that ANZAM organises for them which may augment your own University’s program:
- An ECR workshop at our annual Conference
- A cash prize for the Best Early Career Researcher.
PhD Candidates
Two Doctoral candidate representatives work with our Board to support your students. ANZAM runs a successful Doctoral Workshop at each ANZAM Conference attracting around 70 attendees. These Doctoral events are provided at an affordable cost, and funded by the sponsoring institution jointly with ANZAM. We are also planning support for PhD supervisors on improving their skills. Each year we award a prize for the Best Doctoral Dissertation, recognising the importance of our Doctoral candidates.
Research and Analysis
In 2017/18 ANZAM spent $10,000 on its latest Research Productivity Survey. This provides solid research evidence for the state of research output by academic staff across Australian universities and should also benefit our New Zealand members.
Your membership also ensures the continuation of the only organisation for Management educators in the Australian and New Zealand region.
We believe this is a substantial “value proposition” and I trust that you will be a member.