ANZAM Doctoral workshop – 2nd December 2024


The Doctoral Workshop is ANZAM’s flagship event for research students held in conjunction with the ANZAM Conference. This year’s workshop will be hosted one day before the conference on Monday, 2nd December 2024 at the University of Wollongong, NSW. The conference will run for 3 days, being 3rd to 5th December, 2024.

All research students pursuing a degree in management at the level of PhD, MPhil, Master by Research, and Bachelor Honours are welcome to participate in the Doctoral Workshop.

ANZAM’s management brief is quite extensive (see the streams below) and may cover your research area even if you don’t specifically consider yourself a “management researcher”.

Stream 1. Human Resource Management
Stream 2. Organisational Behaviour
Stream 3. Sustainability and Social Issues
Stream 4. Gender, Diversity and Indigeneity
Stream 5. Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Stream 6. Leadership, Governance and Strategy
Stream 7. Teaching and Learning
Stream 8. Business Processes, Innovation and Supply Chain
Stream 9. Health Management and Organisation
Stream 10. Public Sector, NGOs and Not-for-Profit

You can expect a full day of program packed with opportunities for professional development and networking, with roundtable sessions featuring as the definite highlight.

You are encouraged to submit a research note if you want to discuss your project with reviewers and receive personalised feedback and suggestions from them.

To elaborate, participants of the Doctoral Workshop will

  • Receive expert feedback (if the research note is submitted): This is undoubtedly ideal for anyone wanting to get feedback outside of their immediate supervisory team. Even those nearing the end of their study term will benefit from suggestions given in an instructive and informal manner. In the past, some students who presented at the ANZAM Conference also sought additional feedback at the Doctoral Workshop and benefited from a multitude of perspectives. Besides improving the quality of a thesis, the feedback is also helpful for making manuscripts more publication-worthy!
  • Network with senior academics and peers: It is an excellent platform to connect with the friendly ANZAM community and collaborate with others who share similar or complementary research interests. This is a bonus for students looking to expand their network and collaborations outside of their host university in the wider Australasia region.
  • Attend insightful presentations: Senior academics and industry experts on the day will share insights particularly addressing the concerns of research students. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions during the presentations.
  • Avail discounted pricing: Students registering for both the Doctoral Workshop and the ANZAM Conference will enjoy a cost benefit while registering.

Please note:

  1. ANZAM Doctoral Workshop this year will be face to face participation only.
  2. Registering for the Doctoral workshop and Conference via the Doctoral workshop section of the website will provide you with the best value.
  3. To attend the ANZAM Doctoral Workshop and/or ANZAM Conference, you will be required to be an ANZAM member. More details can be found at
  4. You will need to first purchase* ANZAM membership prior to registering for the Doctoral Workshop and/or the Conference.

* Paying for ANZAM membership now will also entitle you to attend ANZAM’s Professional Development sessions. Some of these sessions have been specifically tailored to HDR students based on the feedback received from last year’s program.


The 2024 workshop will be hosted by: University of Wollongong, NSW.

Date:            Monday 2nd December, 2024

Location:    Face to Face, University of Wollongong, Northfields Avenue, Wollongong NSW

Doctoral Representative 2024: Jacki Johnson E:



To view the Doctoral workshop Programs from 2022 and 2023:

2022 Doctoral workshop program: VIEW HERE

2023 Doctoral workshop program: VIEW HERE


To view the Doctoral workshop Feedback and photos from 2022 and 2023:

2022 Doctoral workshop feedback and photos: VIEW HERE

2023 Doctoral workshop feedback and photos: VIEW HERE

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