ANZAM First Professional Development offering for 2024

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ANZAM is very pleased to offer our first Professional development offering for 2024


Thanks to Professor Gordon Cheung, ANZAM is able to offer to its members, a 3day online course on:

“Structural Equation Modelling”

(14, 15 and 16 February, 2024 – 3 Full days)

This course retails for between $1000-$2000. However, Gordon has kindly offered it for free to the ANZAM membership. Non-members are also welcome to attend for a fee of $350 for the 3 days. Becoming an ANZAM member would enable you to attend this course for free and attend all ANZAM Professional development sessions for 2024 for free. To find out more about ANZAM membership:

The 3 days/sessions are not individual sessions. The content will flow from the first session (Day 1) through to the last session (Day 3). To take full advantage of this offer, you should attend all 3 days/sessions. Commencement time for each state has been set to ensure most people will be available to attend.

A little bit about Gordon….


Gordon joined the University of Auckland Business School in January 2016 as Professor of Organisational Behaviour. He obtained his BBA from CUHK and his PhD in management from Virginia Tech. He is well recognized internationally as an expert in structural equation modeling, especially in measurement equivalence/invariance, analysis of dyadic data, and estimation of moderating and mediating effects in complex latent variable models. He has published more than 20 articles in research methodologies, which have been cited over 24,000 times. He is ranked among the world’s top 100,000 scientists in a study by scholars at Stanford University (Bass, Boyack, & Ioannidis, 2023), according to their career-long impact based on a composite indicator using Scopus data. He is also ranked among the top 1% of the scientists in the Business and Management subfield globally for the impact in 2022.
Gordon is the recipient of the 2022 University of Auckland Business School Research Excellence Award. Gordon has twice received the Sage Best Paper Award from the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management (2000 and 2009) and, in 2008, the Best Published Paper Award in Organisational Research Methods. He served as the Division Chair of the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management in 2006/07 and as the Chair of the Research Methods Special Track at the Academy of International Business 2011 Conference at Nagoya, Japan.
He is currently a member of the Editorial Board of Organisational Research Methods. Gordon is an enthusiastic teacher and has taught undergraduate level international business, management, and organisational behaviour, and graduate level research methods and structural equation modelling courses. He has received many teaching awards, including the Vice-Chancellor Exemplary Teacher Award (2000) and the Faculty of Business Administration Outstanding Teacher Award (2002/03) at CUHK.


(14, 15 and 16 February, 2024 – 3 Full days)

This 3-day workshop covers:

Introduction to SEM

  1. the basic concepts behind Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and the assumptions involved
  2. introduction of confirmatory factor analysis with measurement model for testing convergent validity and discriminant validity (an updated version of measureQ will be provided)
  3. comparison of regression and path analysis
  4. application of the full structural model with latent variables

Mediating Effects

  1. review on the advantages of testing mediation effects with latent variables over observed variables
  2. introduction of various mediation hypotheses that can be examined in organisational and psychological studies, including:
    1. significance of specific mediation effect
    2. comparison of the strength of two mediation effects
    3. comparison of the strength between mediation effect and direct effect
    4. comparison of the strength of mediation effects across groups


  1. Participants are not required to have prior knowledge of SEM.
  2. Participants should have installed the latest version of R (Download R) and lavaan (Install lavaan) on their computers.
  3. Only lavaan syntax will be covered in this workshop. Basic data manipulation in R will not be covered (which can be done with Excel).

Suggested Reading

Cheung, G. W., Cooper-Thomas, H. D., Lau, R. S., & Wang, L. C. (2023). Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity with structural equation modeling: A review and best-practice recommendations.  Asia Pacific Journal of Management.

Gana, K., & Broc, G. (2019). Structural Equation Modeling with lavaan. John Wiley & Sos, Inc.


Non-members will be billed upon registration