ANZAM Online: Spill the Beans – Episode 10

ANZAM Spill the Beans Episode 10 – Professor Lisa Bradley In this episode, Dr Hafsa Ahmed speaks with Professor Lisa Bradley, focusing on the varied roles Lisa has held. In this conversation, Lisa also shares some incredible insights around how to approach life as an academic.  

ANZAM Online: Spill the Beans – Episode 9

ANZAM Online: Spill the Beans – Episode 9 Dr Hafsa Ahmed Interviews Associate Professor Sara Walton. In this episode, Hafsa talks with Associate Professor Sara Walton with a focus on sustainability and climate change including some future directions for research.  

ANZAM Online: Spill the Beans – Episode 8

In this episode, Dr Hafsa Ahmad, Lincoln Uni talks with Professor Rowena Barrett, QUT  with a focus on Entrepreneurship and her role as Pro Vice-Chancellor Entrepreneurship.

ANZAM Online: Spill the Beans – Episode 6

In this episode, Hafsa talks with Professor Helena Cooper Thomas, from AUT, about her research expertise related to newcomers in organisations. More importantly, Helena offers important advice on do’s and dont’s of research student supervision.

ANZAM Online: Spill the Beans – Episode 5

In this episode, Hafsa talks with Dr Marissa Edwards from UQ who research interests focus on mental health and mental illness in academia, PhD student well-being, and voice and organisational justice.

ANZAM Online: Spill the Beans – Episode 4

In this episode, Hafsa talks with Professor Neal Ashkanasy (ANZAM Life Fellow and Professor of Management at University of Queensland) about his journey into academia and his research on emotions in decisions; Neal also offers great advice for early career researchers.

ANZAM Online: Spill the Beans – Episode 3

In this episode, Professor Kate Kearins (PVC and Dean of Business, Economic and Law, Auckland University of Technology, ANZAM Life Fellow, and ANZAM 2016 President) talks about her involvement with ANZAM over the years, the benefits of being involved with an organisation, and the changing face of conferences.