ANZAM Conference Excellence Awards Now Open!

Applications for ANZAM’s Teaching, Research, and Doctoral Awards are now open, as well as the Case Study Competition and the PELT Grants.  Awards will be announced and presented at ANZAM’s 32nd Annual Conference being held in Auckland, New Zealand, from (the evening of) 4-7 December 2018. Applications for all awards close on Friday 7 September 2018: […]

ANZAM Conference – Extension of Closing Date for Papers

Once only, special offer! The deadline for Papers and Workshop Proposals has been extended to midnight on Monday 2 July 2018. However, it is not possible for the deadline to be extended beyond this date. For more information, visit the Conference website. Happy writing!

JMO @ EURAM – Come for a Coffee and Chat!

Going to EURAM? Drop in for a coffee and and say hi to the Editor of Journal of Management & Organization (JMO) – Tui McKeown – at the Cambridge University Press stand.

JMO Submissions Alert

ANZAM has become aware of a company, purporting to be acting on our behalf, offering to assist those wishing to publish in the Journal of Management & Organization (JMO) in exchange for a sizeable fee. We assure our members and anyone interested in publishing in our journal that there is no charge to do so, […]

DATE CLAIMER: ANZAM Year-End Doctoral Workshop – AUT University:  4 December 2018

ANZAM is delighted to announce that AUT University is hosting the 2018 ANZAM Year-End Doctoral Workshop in Auckland, New Zealand, on Tuesday 4 December.   We have an exciting program lined up with interactive student presentations, a wide range of targeted workshops, and the chance to network with your peers as well as distinguished Management […]

ANZAM Call for Papers Now Open!

The 2018 ANZAM Conference is being held in Auckland, New Zealand, from the evening of 4 December until 7 December 2018, hosted by Massey University.  The Conference theme is Managing the Many Faces of Sustainable Work.   We are delighted to announce that the Conference website, including the Call for Papers, is now open. You will also find […]

New Email Address for ANZAM!

The ANZAM Academy Office is moving to Dunedin in late March, and will be located at the University of Otago.  The Academy Manager, Anne Anderson, is continuing in her role from that location. There is now a new email address to use to contact ANZAM – Details of the new office address will be […]

ANZAM Year-End Doctoral Workshop – Extension of Deadline – 9 October

Don’t panic!  We have extended the deadline for registration to the Doctoral Workshop until midnight on Monday 9 October. And remember, your 3-day registration to the ANZAM Conference will get into the Workshop for free, but you must register separately. Visit the EVENT WEBSITE for more information, including how to register.