AHRI Scholarship

The AHRI Scholarship provides up to $15,000 in reimbursement of costs for research, an activity or a project that adds to the body of HR knowledge in Australia.

  • The scholarship can be used for a masters or PhD dissertation or thesis (to be completed within a year), a secondment, training, or research and the development of a paper or practical materials for HR professionals.
  • At the completion of their project, the scholarship winner will be invited to present their findings to AHRI through agreed channels.

The scholarship winner will be announced at our awards ceremony at the start of December and will have until November 2025 to deliver their activity.

Applications should consider:

  • Relevance: to what extent does this submission address a current or emerging workplace issue?
  • Practicality: to what extent will HR practitioners be able to utilise the outputs/findings in their workplace?
  • Building knowledge: to what extent will this work fill a gap in or add to the existing HR body of knowledge?
  • Methodology: how robust is the proposed methodology and can the project be completed within the timeframe?
  • Anticipated cost breakdown

The scholarship does not cover:

  • Payment for the time of the scholarship winner to undertake the research, activity or project
  • Direct education or study costs (other than for the completion of a dissertation or thesis at masters or PhD level)
  • Equipment costs such as laptops

To apply: